Install Wordpress in Debian Etch
Install Wordpress in Debian Etch
* Apache Web server
* PHP 4.2 or greater
* MySQL 3.23.23 or greater
* The mod_rewrite Apache module
First you need to install apache2 with php support and mysql with php support
Apache with PHP Support check here
Mysql Database installation check here
Mysql with php support you need to run the following command
#apt-get install php4-mysql
after that you need to install wordpress using the follwoing command
#apt-get install wordpress
This will install the wordpress now you need to go to /usr/share/doc/wordpress/example folder to setup apache to point to /usr/share/wordpress. See the examples/apache.conf
Create a file called wordpress under /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and enter the following and save the file
Alias /blog /usr/share/wordpress
<Directory /usr/share/wordpress>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride Limit Options FileInfo
DirectoryIndex index.php
Now you need to enable this site using the following command
#a2ensite wordpress
Now reload apache using the following command
#/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Database setup can be done with the help of a script in examples/setup-mysql
To setup mysql database for wordpress you need to follow this
setup-mysql [-n NAME] [-h | -d | -b] FQDN
Creates by default a Wordpress mysql configuration depending on required fully
qualified domain name(FQDN).
-n name for the mysql user and database
-h help
-d destroy and purge
-b backup
Example: You want your blog to be served from for user ‘wordpress’.
Then run:
sudo sh setup-mysql -n wordpress
#sh setup-mysql -n wordpress
After finishing this you need to go to http://your-server-ip/blog/ you should see the following message
It doesn’t look like you’ve installed WP yet. Try running install.php.
Click on install.php link and you should see the following screen saying welcome to wordpress installation in this click on First Step
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